What's in a name?

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Those of you that have been following the site for a while, and checking us out on social media may well have realised this a while back. But at the start of 2020 we decided on a full re-brand of the business to better reflect the joint nature of the service we offer. Since I started in this business under the name Archibald Douglas Photography a few years back, we have been working increasingly frequently with each other - to the extent that we don’t even offer a single photographer package any more!

It’s been a long road to come to this point, and not least in trying to decide on a name - that discussion alone has taken the better part of a year! Fortunately, spurred on by a website review from the incredible Anna and Todd at Kick Ass Photographers - we again started looking for something that fit the bill and we finally hit the jackpot earlier this year while randomly naming things we could see.

Difficult choices…

Part of the difficulty for us was in finding something that we felt reflected us and the service we offered.
We wanted something that was a little offbeat, not too lovey-dovey, and had a relevance to us that wasn’t too on the nose.

  • Chibbs and Wedge

  • Chalk and Salsa

  • Whiskey and Rum

    All these names were floated and dismissed before we found ourselves stood in the kitchen looking for inspiration. Abigail looked around and suggested the bowl of memories that we keep on the side cabinet.

And here we have it - the eponymous Bowl of Corks.

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The Bowl of Corks

The bowl of corks is a tradition passed down through Abigail’s side of the family.

Simple in concept - it’s something we’ve kept up since moving in together, and it’s great to look back through from time to time.

In short - every time we have a special event (or just whenever we open up a bottle of wine/champers), we keep the cork! Abigail usually writes a note to remind us what the event was, and then she sticks a penny in it… traditions eh?!

It’s great to look back over the contents and recall all the big moments, and fun memories with friends and family. sort of like a box of wedding photos!

We think it’s the perfect name for what we do. It’s both of us. Working together. To create and record memories of our favourite times together… Not to mention drinking wine and champers with our good friends along the way!

Let us know what your traditions are in the comments below, and we’ll be writing again once we’ve got another shoot to show off!


Justyna and Aaron // Grace Dieu Priory couple's shoot


Covid-K9 // Cademan Woods